District Info
High School
Mrs. Erickson – Title I Teacher
Phone: (701) 679-2685
Email: Marissa.Erickson@k12.nd.us
"The purpose of this title is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.’’
-Education Act of 1965
About Title I
Max Public School is a Title 1 School-wide Plan school. Under the Education Act of 1965, schools might be eligible for federal funding to help meet the needs of educationally deprived, at-risk children.
Selection for Services
Selection for consideration for Title One services is based on a number of different things; STAR Math and Reading benchmarks, progress monitoring STAR assessments and teacher recommendation.
Parental Approval
If a child is in need of services, a parental permission sheet will be sent home reflecting what your student requires above basic classroom instruction. If the form is not returned, we will provide services to your child unless there is a distinct objection by the parent/guardian.