Welcome to Max Preschool
Learning with Structure and Play
Mrs. Bingham
Phone: (701) 679-2685
Email: peggy.bingham@k12.nd.us
Requirements and Information:
Students must be four years old by August 1st and potty-trained.
Classes are from 8:30am-3:10pm Tuesdays and Thursdays
Max Preschool Supply List
Please label all of your child’s belongings with their name or initials.
1 backpack
1 folder
1 bottle of liquid glue
8 regular glue sticks or 4 big glue sticks
1 pencil box
2 black expo markers
2 boxes of 8 basic color crayons
6 sharpened pencils
1 coloring book(optional)
1 pair of scissors (Fiskars blunt tip preferable)
1 computer headphones
1 water bottle (optional)
1 extra set of clothes (Please put into a large zip-lock bag with your child’s name on the bag)
1 disinfectant wipes
1 box of tissues to share with the class
1 pair of inside/gym shoes to be kept at school